dimanche 11 mars 2012

DST make no sense.

DST argument about saving energy would only work if.

All business were to shut down at 5h30PM.
Everybody went to bed no later then 8h30PM.
TV station stop broadcasting at 9h00PM (automation)
Nobody use AC.

But this is not the case.
So many business close at least at 11h00PM or even are open 24/7.
People go to bed at 11h30PM or 12h00AM or 2h00AM and so on.
So many TV station are 24/7.
Not only the rich have and use AC.

Add the 
following week of lost productivity.
Add the healthcare problem following (more people in hospital, AC work harder, need more machine pluged-in or on to maintain alive or diagnostic).
More people in the Morgue, freezer work harder.

And for those who argue more sunlight to enjoy, i would say this, get up early in the morning instead of noon :-)

in conclusion

A Loonie saved, a Twoonie spent!

samedi 25 février 2012

How to install a virus on linux - a humor view on the difference between linus and the other OS

1 - go to the website of the virus and download the latest version.
2 - open a terminal
3 - cd (change directory) to where the virus zip file is.
4 - unpack the virus, cd into the virus folder and make sure all the dependencies are met
5 - configure the virus for your system  with the command ./configure
6 - compile the virus with the command make be patient it could take some time
7 - intall the virus with the command make install
8 - make sure to give the virus root permission (administrator right)
9 - enter the command virus --update to make sure all the virus definition are up-to-date
10  - create a cronjob so the virus is executed at regular time
11 - start the virus with the command  virus -start
12 - you are done

Now enjoy.