samedi 25 février 2012

How to install a virus on linux - a humor view on the difference between linus and the other OS

1 - go to the website of the virus and download the latest version.
2 - open a terminal
3 - cd (change directory) to where the virus zip file is.
4 - unpack the virus, cd into the virus folder and make sure all the dependencies are met
5 - configure the virus for your system  with the command ./configure
6 - compile the virus with the command make be patient it could take some time
7 - intall the virus with the command make install
8 - make sure to give the virus root permission (administrator right)
9 - enter the command virus --update to make sure all the virus definition are up-to-date
10  - create a cronjob so the virus is executed at regular time
11 - start the virus with the command  virus -start
12 - you are done

Now enjoy.